Review: Violet

The film bores into the mourning process and its piquant combination of emotional numbness and sensory vulnerability.

Review: Happy Valley

Once the media caravan departs, the doc meanders, torn between its obligation to reportage and its interest in a town riven by America’s thirst for justice.

Review: Stonehearst Asylum

In the wake of the ostentatious atmospherics summoned by the likes of Shutter Island and American Horror Story: Asylum, the film feels unnecessarily restrained.

Review: Annabelle

It’s all a far cry from James Wan’s The Conjuring, which embraced the thrill of the paranormal even as it respected its frazzled, earthbound characters.

Review: The Equalizer

The Equalizer should build up to a moderately engaging battle of wits, but the script has little interest in wit and no capacity for psychology.

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