Review: Firehouse Dog

Had it been made shortly after 9/11, Firehouse Dog might have seemed like a shameless attempt to marry the country’s reverence for the New York Fire Department with Air Bud.

Review: Déjà Vu

Tony Scott doesn’t even wait for Déjà Vu to properly begin before employing the spastic visual stylings that are his calling card.

Review: Eight Below

As a shameless stab at kid-friendly uplift, Eight Below, at least during its Animal Planet-ish segments, nonetheless has a benignly cheesy, big-emotive charm.

Review: Capote

Bennett Miller’s film has an axe to grind against its subject, the quite horrible but quite gifted writer Truman Capote.

Review: I, Robot

Missing here is the awe-inspiring wonder or exhilarating originality that might elevate the film above its mega-budgeted counterparts.

Review: The Core

Is it summer already? The season for dunderheaded action extravaganzas certainly seems to be upon us with the release of The Core.

Review: Below

Below turns out to be a water-logged version of every haunted house film you’ve ever seen.