Review: Allied

Throughout Allied, director Robert Zemeckis brings to bear his pop-epic scope in what’s otherwise a claustrophobic story.

Review: Burnt

Everything in the script signals that the hero must transform himself from an abusive tyrant in the kitchen to the head of a loving and fully functional family.

Review: Pawn Sacrifice

It’s best appreciated as a tragicomic profile of a man whose extraordinary talent was undermined by the political reality in which he was enmeshed.

Review: Seventh Son

As is often the case in films like this, Seventh Son is at its weakest when it tries to leaven its brink-of-disaster gravity with a little nerdy humor.

Review: Locke

The literalizing of Ivan Locke’s hidden self and his inability to master it ultimately exposes the film as the squarest kind of theater: drama therapy.

Review: Amazing Grace

The film is proof that liberal filmmakers can make movies that aren’t desperate manifestations of their political guilt.