Review: Unforgiven

Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven brought the revisionist revenge film into the 1990s and, by extension, the 21st century.

Review: Ted 2

The film is a redundant showcase for Seth MacFarlane’s racy, dick-centric sense of humor.

Review: Last Knights

A macho celebration of fighting for “freedom” because someone else told you to, devoid of any acknowledgement of the irony of that ideology.

Review: Dolphin Tale 2

Writer-director Charles Martin Smith’s tin ear for dialogue and contrived symbolism is as unmistakable as his enormous heart.

Review: Lucy

Besson commits wholeheartedly to his decades-long preoccupation with waifish young women discovering their inner Shiva.

Review: Transcendence

If you programmed an algorithm to figure out how Lawnmower Man might be retold by Snake Plissken at the end of Escape from L.A., you’d still wind up with something more human.

Review: Last Vegas

The film is depressing, sub-sitcom fodder that will dull whatever affection you may still harbor for these legendary actors.

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