Review: Mudbound

Dee Rees’s film scrutinizes how World War II laid bare the unsustainable hypocrisy in America’s bigoted divisions.

Review: Mojave

The film offers audiences a bundle of fetishes dressed up as an existentialist thriller about the class system.

Review: Pan

Joe Wright’s film could fuel an entire series of incredulous episodes of the How Did This Get Made? podcast.

Review: Unbroken

The film’s chief misstep is taking its title too literally, and ultimately depicting Louie as an indestructible, and thus largely inhuman, superhero.

Review: Lullaby

Garrett Hedlund’s performance throbs with an anguish that’s far more honest than the sentimental euthanasia subplot at the center of the film.

Review: Death Sentence

James Wan continues to beat us over the head, though this time he has the decency to do so with some semblance of human emotion.