Review: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

The film seemed like the ideal ending point for the lowbrow slasher series.

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

With higher production values, memorably gruesome special effects, and a stronger cast, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter seemed like the ideal end point for the lowbrow slasher series. After a nifty prologue that sums up the first three films, we’re off to Camp Crystal Lake and introduced to a new group of preppy teenagers, including the nerdy Ted (Crispin Glover), who spasmodically dances to bad ’80s pop music and is presciently told by his best friend that he’s a “dead fuck,” gets laid, and is promptly done in by a kitchen utensil after ill-advisedly shouting, “WHERE’S THE GODDAMNED CORKSCREW?”

In addition to the cannon-fodder characters is a machete-wielding, friendly neighborhood Jason hunter (Erich Anderson) searching for his missing sister and a precocious little kid named Tommy (Corey Feldman, in Goonies mode) who spies out the window at naked coeds getting it on, has a cool collection of monster masks in his room, and during his final confrontation with Jason decides to shave his head, cut off the legs of his jeans to make short shorts, and, I guess, pretend to be the hockey mask marauder’s younger self.

There are enough fresh twists to the played-out slasher genre to keep fans engrossed, with Jason going down for the count in a memorably nasty way and the final close-up on Tommy keeping the door open for a sequel. Even though we would see more of Jason over the years (first as a zombie, then battling a telekinetic super-girl, taking on Freddy Krueger within his own warped dreams, even hacking teens to bits in outer space), this one certainly felt as if it properly closed out the Friday the 13th series before it devolved into unadulterated camp.

 Cast: Kimberly Beck, Erich Anderson, Crispin Glover, Barbara Howard, Peter Barton, Corey Feldman  Director: Joseph Zito  Screenwriter: Barney Cohen  Distributor: Paramount Pictures  Running Time: 91 min  Rating: R  Year: 1984  Buy: Video

Jeremiah Kipp

Jeremiah Kipp is a New York City based writer, producer and director with over ten years experience creating narrative and commercial films.

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